The Toy Movement
- Production Company: Line Production Turkey
- Country: USA
- Type: Documentary
- Year: 2018
“Given the political climate, is has been estimated that over 3 million Syrians have sought refuge in Turkey; the majority of which have been living in 22 camps along the Syrian border. Refugee children have often lost everything after fleeing their homes. They don’t always receive basic needs such as schooling or proper health care, and no longer have the opportunity to just be kids. Our goal for the 2018 Toy Movement is to give that opportunity back to 117,000 displaced children – The largest Toy Movement to date. Toys are something kids can call their own. It provides that moment of happiness, imagination and play. It allows kids to just be kids. Capturing moments of receiving an individual gift, kids at play against a backdrop of war and poverty, and the smile and joy that accompany that, will illuminate the power toys can give to a child in need. In addition to capturing these special moments, the Turkey movement is in a unique position to shed light on a difficult situation surrounded by misinformed beliefs that are often steeped in fear. It will give us the opportunity to educate and debunk false narratives about the refugee communities and allow us to build new narratives for the people who often do not get the love and attention that we take advantage of everyday. Compassion has no borders.”